Saturday, March 10, 2007

Space Station Concept 01

I was looking around in the Start menu and realized I had never bothered with trying out Windows Movie Maker before, and that it would pretty easily allow me to create slideshows of my artwork for YouTube. So I threw together this little movie with a few renders of a space station thing I'm working on for fun. There's no detailed textures yet, just the greebles. I have some renders where the surface is meshsmoothed and it looks good as an organic looking alien space station. Maybe I'll work on that next....

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Here's a little present for everyone, I hope you all had a great 2006, and that 2007 is even better for you all!

This piece is my representation of the Universe at a Time when it was very young and small, yet populated with Old Ones whose Existence neccesitated Future Intelligences being able to Transcend the restrictions of Cosmological Law frozen into an Inflationary expanse and Seeing into the Past catching glance of their Ancestors.